AGM 2018

The Gwinear Gwithian Sustainable Communities Fund 2018 AGM will be held on Wednesday 11 July at Gwithian Hall, at 7pm.

The AGM is open to the public.

It will be followed by the Trustees’ Board meeting, at which applications for funding will be discussed, which is not open to the public.

The agenda for the AGM is as follows:


  1. Apologies
  1. Minutes of previous AGM 12th July 2017 and matters arising.
  1. Chairman’s report.
  1. Approval of Annual Accounts.
  1. Retirement / Re-election of Directors:-

As per Article 26 Cathy Woolcock and Rosemarie Norman.

As per Article 30.1 Janet McEwan

  1. AOB and questions from members of the public present.