Connor Downs Academy Replacement Windows

£6,990 grant enabled Connor Downs Academy to provide Year 4 and Year 6 children and teachers with a comfortable classroom environment.  The windows have been replaced with new energy efficient double-glazed windows, which will save money by reducing the amount of energy needed to heat the rooms and prevent heat being lost, they also reduce the noise from outside creating a peaceful and warm environment where the children can concentrate on their learning. The project has improved the well-being of the children and staff, who are delighted with the new windows.    

“Wow! What an amazing transformation the new windows have made to the Year 6 classroom.  It is so much warmer and quieter for both adults and children.  It has made such a big difference, thank you.”  Mrs Smitheram, Teaching Assistant.

“The new windows are better as they keep the heat inside, saving energy.  Our classroom now feels warmer and cosy to work in.”  Olivia Brigden, Year 6

“The new windows are great, the classroom is warm and the rain doesn’t come in.”  Aiden Rogers, Year 4