£13,682 grant enabled the school’s vision to place outdoor learning at the heart of its curriculum for children to grow to appreciate the outdoors by being continually immersed in it. The enhancements to the school grounds funded by this project have given the school an outstanding resource to make this possible. Every class has benefitted and the areas have been used by all teachers to base lessons across the curriculum and are also used by the children to enrich play based activities during lunch and break times. The school is developing a county wide reputation for excellence in its outdoor provision that draws both prospective parents and staff members that wish to work in such an environment and this has been greatly aided by the project. The map with photos gives some perspective on how the grounds now support learning but a more comprehensive view can be seen by using the interactive tour on the website:
Benjamin Y3 “The Outdoor Table is good to play at with my friends. The cloud chamber is great to lay in and refresh”
Seren Y4 I like to relax in the cloud chamber and read in there with my friends.
Olivia Y6 I like using the construction area. We make pretend horse jumps and teach the younger children how to ride invisible horses”
Greta Y6 “I like all the climbing equipment and the balance walkways – we make mini challenges for each other and I have got stronger and more flexible using it.”
Valentino Y6 “I like making shelters with the construction equipment and I love lessons we have at the amphitheatre- singing and role play.”
Lanza Y2 “ I like doing tricks on the bars and I liked using the amphitheatre when we were learning about maps and when we do drama there”
Jack Y2 “I like using the building stuff in the construction area at lunchtime and I liked making wands at the lookout tower and making potions at the outdoor class table in Science”.