1 Solar thermal project.
Solar thermal system to produce some of the hot water for use in school kitchen, along with highly insulated and efficient emersion tank. Replaces 2 old inefficient hot water tanks. A display in school entrance shows energy produced, which will be used by the children in the curriculum. The sun provides some of the energy for the heating of the water used in the school kitchen. The water then stays hot because of a super-efficient hot water tank.
2 Purchase of ipads and cameras.
Cameras and ipads for curriculum work on sustainable development, outdoor education etc. We have purchased 2 sets of 10 ipads, which have integral cameras. These are used at the point of learning by every child in the school.
3 Loft Insulation.
To install or increase insulation in loft areas where needed. To reduce heat loss, so that the building feels warmer and energy is saved. This was recommended by Community Energy Plus.
This has resulted in the following benefits
1 Solar thermal project
The cook confirms that there is always a plentiful supply of hot water at the correct temperature.
Pupils benefit because of the saving of money – which enables us to buy essential resources for the curriculum
Pupils benefit from learning first hand about the importance of sustainable energy sources.
There is a benefit to the community as we are doing our bit to provide local sustainable energy and reduce carbon emissions.
2 Purchase of ipads and cameras
Over the last year we have used our new iPad extensively through all the classes and all areas of the curriculum, due to their portability, durability and speed of access to not only the downloaded apps but also to the internet. There has been work across the curriculum and especially on sustainability.
3 Loft Insulation
Children and adults at school will benefit from a warmer school and children will ultimately benefit from money saved.