£1,200 grant for Gwithian Residents Association for a Flowering Plant and Fern Survey on Gwithian Green local nature reserve, the last flowering plant survey took place in 1995. The report has provided a detailed and challenging management plan to improve the biodiversity of the Green particularly in relation to flowering plants. Recommendations have included removing large areas of scrub, particularly brambles, ensuring pony grazing takes place every year and improving wetland areas by removing willow trees in agreed areas. 12 areas of the Green were identified as rich in flowering plants with lists of plants and some photos that can be found in each of these areas. The survey supports the management of the Green over the last 15 years highlighting two very successful herb rich areas with concerns on the encroaching scrub and rank grassland, mainly due to a serious reduction in rabbit activity, where more work is required. To obtain a copy of the survey please email info@ggscf.org.uk.
‘This is truly excellent and most helpful in seeking further funding.’ Heidi Kirk-Mackrell
‘This is really an amazing report to have for our little Gwithian Green but how well you have highlighted its importance in a much better way than I have attempted to do over the years.’ Sally Foster
‘This is an excellent report which will be an important record for now and in the future. It will also be of huge assistance when making future funding applications.’ Martin Rule