£1,518.00 grant for Gwithian Green interpretation panel replacement is larger with a strong oak frame. The information on the panel has been updated and the map reoriented so the route around the Green can be more easily followed. The comments from three beneficiaries sum up why it is important to have a map with information about what has been achieved.
”Since its inception as a Local Nature Reserve, Gwithian Green has provided a wonderful asset for the Parish. The local community including local schools derive great pleasure in enjoying this peaceful area. Visitors also enjoy this area. The new information board is especially helpful in providing that extra bit of information that enhances their walks around the Green and hopefully stimulates enquiring minds to study further the valuable wildlife found in this special place.
An advisory group, which the Parish Council has set-up, works extremely hard maintaining the Green but resources are very limited and are required to concentrate on the basic management work as per the Stewardship agreement, so the additional funding provided by the Solar Park fund has been immensely helpful. The boardwalks and bridge have enabled people to actually walk around the Green safely and negotiate the waterlogged areas. The new track and ford have proved a dry and secure access to the Pound area. The ford has greatly alleviated the local flooding in the area of the old pipes which had caused problems for many years.
The Green has been monitored for butterflies for 25 years and the recent additions from the solar park have greatly improved the transect walkers access along the butterfly transect route on the Green. The educational value of the Green cannot be overstated, and it is very encouraging to see local schools participating in conservation work that improves their local environment and in a small way helps to reduce CO2 emissions.” Sally Foster