£6,000 grant to Friends of Towans for operating equipment. The grant has enabled the purchase of a shipping container which was essential for storing and accessing large amounts of tools and equipment; equipment for conservation work; equipment for surveying the flora and fauna include trackers, quadrant poles and in situ posts with grid references with a view to record grasses and wild flowers over key times of the year; the website development Friends of the Towans will be used to advertise events and to encourage more volunteers to attend the sessions; a contribution towards grazing ponies on Gwithian Green which is not only environmentally advantageous but is a more effective way of managing the scrub and grassland than using brush cutters and raking up the cuttings which have been used in other areas of the Towans.
People of all ages have benefited from the improvement in the habitats especially the large removal of invasive species. Feedback on pony grazing has been very positive. School groups have also learnt about the value of surveying using the newly purchased equipment.
‘We walked round Gwithian Green for the first time in 12 months and we were very impressed with the management and loved seeing the ponies and the impact grazing has had on reducing over-growth. Keep up the good work.’ Inge and Ian Bratley Ex Gwithian Residents.
‘I am the lead member of the Towans Recording Group which the Friends of the Towans has taken under its wing. We are undertaking monitoring work to aid the management decisions. They have helped us out with some expensive survey equipment including a Garmin location device. Without their help we would not be able to undertake these surveys.’ Rosie Lewis Msc in Environmental resources and a Naturalist.